14 December 2009

Crema ai topinambur

Pochi lo conoscono come alimento, ancora meno come rimedio terapeutico. Vi presento il topinambur, che grazie a un altissimo contenuto di inulina, una particolare fibra altamente solubile, è il migliore alleato alimentare dei diabetici. Favorisce la secrezione lattea e contrasta la ritenzione idrica.

Contiene le vitamine del gruppo B e grazie al contenuto della fibra solubile, le pochissime calorie, sono ancora meno assorbite dall’organismo. Per cui, se consumato senza condimenti pesanti è ideale nelle diete dimagranti.

I piccoli fiori della pianta molto simili a margherite, possono essere usati come insetticida naturale, perchè hanno un profumo molto sgradito alle mosche.

Un’altro utilizzo particolare è quello della farina di Topinambur, che si trova nei negozi di alimenti naturali. Aggiunta ad altre farine nella percentuale del 10%, rendono i preparati adatti a diabetici e stitici.

Dosi per 4 persone

  • 400 g di topinambur
  • 75 cl di brodo di carne
  • 1 bicchiere di panna
  • 1 cipolla
  • 1 ciuffo di prezzemolo
  • 2 cucchiai di olio d'oliva
  • Sale


In una pentola scaldate due cucchiai d'olio e lasciatevi appassire la cipolla tagliata a fettine sottili.
Unite i topinambur a pezzetti, fate insaporire alcuni minuti, versate il brodo e portate a bollore.
Cuocete a fuoco basso, coperto, per mezz'ora.
Frullate il tutto fino a ottenere una crema omogenea.
Regolate il sale.
Unite la panna, mescolate.
Scaldate se occorre.
Versate nella zuppiera, cospargete di prezzemolo tritato, servite con dei crostini.

Vini di accompagnamento: Lison-Pramaggiore Pinot Bianco DOC, Bianco Di Pitigliano DOC, Cilento Bianco

World Wide Party: il Capodanno 2010 in Piazza del Campo Siena

L’anteprima mondiale a Siena in occasione di “Sì è dance imagination”, in programma il 31 dicembre 2010.

Piazza del Campo sarà la protagonista dell'anteprima mondiale del World Wide Party. In occasione di “Sì è dance imagination”, l'iniziativa pensata per l'ultimo dell'anno a Siena, la Danny Rose Maximage Experience di Parigi e il regista, Sergio Carrubba metteranno in scena il loro ultimo spettacolo, una grande festa, una videoproiezione fatta di immagini, musiche, colori e culture del mondo, dal Brasile, all'India, ai paesi dell'Est. L'evento, promosso dal Comune di Siena all'interno dei festeggiamenti per i 700 anni del Costituto senese e curato dalla veneziana Eta Beta Produzioni di Alessandro Dal Pra, si presenta come una serata unica nel suo genere: la più grande videoproiezione al mondo in alta definizione: 600 metri lineari, circa 30 metri di altezza, per un totale di quasi 20mila metri quadri di superficie, accompagnata dalla musica dal vivo dei giovani musicisti Narayana Minozzi, Alessandra Ferrari, Angelo Del Vecchio, Gian De Martini e Valerio Di Rocco che vantano partecipazioni al “Giulietta e Romeo” di Riccardo Cocciante e al “Rock Revolution 2009” a Barcellona.

“Il 31 dicembre a Siena - ha detto il regista, Sergio Carrubba - gigantesche ballerine danzeranno la capoeira in Piazza del Campo; musiche e culture da tutto il mondo accompagneranno tutti i presenti fino a un omaggio tutto italiano: suoneremo l'Ombelico del mondo di Jovanotti, perché quella notte, Siena, sarà il centro della musica nel mondo. Ma il World Wide Party sarà solo una parte della grande festa che ci sarà in Piazza quella notte: metteremo in piedi, infatti, una maestosa opera lumiere. Immagine, tradizione e architettura di Siena si alterneranno davanti agli occhi dello spettatore in una maniera completamente nuova. Sarà un viaggio nella grande arte visual di Siena, dal Costituto, il Sogno Gotico e le atmosfere medievali fino al momento centrale della serata che sarà un itinerario nella storia della musica. Proietteremo enormi immagini su tutti gli splendidi palazzi di Piazza del Campo, accompagnandole con la musica dal vivo di cinque bravissimi cantanti italiani che stanno portando il nostro nome in tutto il mondo”.

“Sarà un nuovo modo di fare spettacolo, - continua Carrubba - lo spettatore si troverà parte integrante dello show stesso. Sarà lui il centro di tutto e la visione dello spettacolo non sarà frontale ma centrale: tutti coloro che il 31 dicembre si troveranno in Piazza del Campo all'improvviso saranno parte di un'avventura in continuo divenire che spero lasci il segno. Sono venticinque anni - conclude il regista - che aspetto la possibilità di creare un evento del genere a Siena. Perché Piazza del Campo è l'unica piazza al mondo dove è possibile realizzare uno spettacolo così e in queste grandi dimensioni. Per certo sarà lo spettacolo più importante in Europa per l'ultimo dell'anno, più di quanto stiano organizzando a Madrid, a Londra e a Parigi”.

08 December 2009

South Africa Lodge - Villa Spring Grove

Spring Grove is a luxury Lodge in Malaria free zone in Easter Cape. It comprises of five luxury double suites, each with a breathtaking view of the environment.

All have en-suite facilities and access to the decks. The large lounge has a magnificent view over the water, home theater system and a fireplace. A smaller lounge can be enjoyed for more intimate moments. Sumptuous meals are served in the dining room with its unique handmade dining table or on the deck, overlooking the magnificent valley, or in the bush.

The Villa sits inside a private game reserve offering its guests the privacy of 2000 hectares of indigenous South African wild. Vast Landscapes ranging from valley Bushveld to open grasslands present panoramic vistas and superb wildlife viewing opportunities. Guests enjoy a one-on-one environmental experience on the property – either on foot, horse-back or mountain bike. Close encounters with African wildlife are assured.

The lodge is only 90 minutes from Port Elizabeth Airport.The reserve is situated only 20 minutes from the finest white beaches along the Indian Ocean. Guests can relax on the beach or take part in numerous activities in the area. There are also several fantastic golf courses in the area. Kenton on Sea is situated between 2 tidal rivers - the Kariega and Bushmans Rivers. It has an unspoilt beachfront as a Nature Reserve borders the beach and covers the sanddunes that line the magnificent pristine beach between these rivers. The main beach next to Kariega River was voted best beach in South Africa in 2001. Small buck and other wild game live in this reserve and are spotted regularly. Because of this ideal situation, Kenton is also a birder’s paradise with the sea, rivers and nature reserve in close proximity. Fishing is excellent - deep sea, surf, rock and river. Whales are spotted regularly from April to December.

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa

11 June and 11 July 2010

This will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by an African nation, after South Africa beat Morocco and Egypt in an all-African bidding process.
Italy are the defending champions.

The official mascot for the 2010 FIFA World Cup is Zakumi (born 16 June 1994), an anthropomorphised leopard with green hair. His name comes from "ZA", the international abbreviation for South Africa, and "kumi", a word that means "ten" in various African languages. The mascot's colours reflect those of the host nation's playing strip – yellow and green.
Zakumi's birthdate coincides with a day known and celebrated as Youth Day in South Africa and their second group match. The year 1994 marks the first non-racial nationwide elections in South Africa.
The Zakumi's official motto is: "Zakumi's game is Fair Play." The motto was seen in the digital advertisement boards during the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup, and it will also appear in next year's FIFA World Cup.

04 December 2009

Tuscany Wine Tasting Tours

Tuscany wine tasting tourTuscany in unquestionably the most important region of Italy in regards for the production of Wine. It is second to Veneto in quantity but, in terms of gross income it is number one, which implies that a smaller amount of wine sells for a higher value, therefore evidencing the superior quality in its wines. A visit to Tuscany could not be considered complete if you didn't include at least 1 wine tasting tour from Florence or Siena but we can also pick you up for these tours regardless where you stay in Tuscany.

We should clarify that going to visit Chianti, Montalcino or Montepulciano should not only mean to go wine tasting all day, there is nothing wrong with that, but Tuscany has a lot more to offer than wine in terms or history, architecture, landscapes. We often give Chianti Tours to people who don't drink nor care about wine tasting and they are among those who enjoy the area the most as they sightsee more than those that spend a lot time wine tasting! Therefore a good balance in between wine tasting and cultural sightseeing is the ideal for those who care about both, we normally advice to have 1 Winery Tour a day and possibly a second Wine Tasting, so as to leave time to sightsee as well in as part of the wine tours.

30 November 2009

Recipe of the week: "Delicate Thistles"

Another gorgeous Autumn recipe to fill the house with homely smells!!

4 people

  • 1000 grams of thistles
  • 1 / 2 cup milk
  • 1 / 2 cup cream
  • plenty of grated cheese
  • Butter
  • salt


Peel the thistles, cut into pieces of about two inches and remove all the filaments.
Boil in salted water, simmer for about three quarters of an hour.
Drain well, arrange in a baking dish, spread the surface with butter flakes, pour in half a glass of milk and bake on low heat for half an hour.
Then add half a cup of cream and let it thicken in the oven for another ten minutes or so.
When ready, place the thistles on a serving dish, sprinkle with plenty of cheese and serve immediately.

17 November 2009

Organic learning farm

Paugnano is an ancient farmhouse in the Colline Metallifere, on the hill facing the village of Radicondoli.

  • Cheese making, traditional cooking, organic farming
  • Wonderfully charming farmhouse with stunning views
  • Genuine, friendly hosts
  • Cheese tasting and organic meals available when booking for learning activities

Giovanna and Giovanni Porcu have been breeding Sardinian sheep the organic way since the 1970s. With their 2 daughters, the Porcu opened up to the public in 2000 with their pecorino cheese and their holiday apartments.

At Paugnano you'll be able to taste and purchase some very fine fresh and aged organic pecorino cheeses, enjoy a lovely organic meal with the family, take part in cheese making or take cooking classes.

We thank Steve Hamilton for his pictures.

13 November 2009


I am glad to welcome you on our friend site totally dedicated to food, wines and handicrafts from Tuscany.

Bring home flavours or souvenirs from Tuscany.

More details on Tuscanity.com

11 November 2009

Crostino Toscano - da http://gustovagando.com

Questa ricetta proviene da un altro sito (chissà se dopo questa diventeremo "siti amici"): Gustovagando

Mi scuso con l'autore/autrice per aver copiato spudoratamente (MA INTEGRALMENTE) il testo e le immagini, ma leggendo l'articolo mi è venuta l'acquolina in bocca...

Buona lettura e fateci sapere se vi sono piaciuti (mi raccomando, fatelo sapere anche ai legittimi ... proprietari!!! Gustovagando - Crostino Toscano)

crostino Toscano

I crostini neri alla toscana sono i miei preferiti, mi piacciono talmente tanto che vorrei che tutti li apprezzassero come faccio io ma, purtroppo, in giro si trovano delle cose terribili spacciate per crostini di fegatini che mi fanno capire come mai non siano l’antipasto preferito di grandi e piccini...

Questa è la ricetta a modo mio e mi piace quando le persone che normalmente non mangiano le frattaglie mi dicono che fatti così, questi crostini, sono buonissimi:

Patè di fegatini
  • 300 gr di fegatini di pollo
  • 1 grossa cipolla
  • 250 ml vino rosso
  • 1 cucchiaio di capperi dissalati
  • 3 filetti di acciuga dissalati
  • 4-5 cucchiai d’olio evo
  • 2 foglie di salvia
  • 1 noce di burro
  • sale e pepe q.b.
Lasciare i fegatini nel vino a marinare per 12 ore mescolando di tanto in tanto.Trascorso il periodo della marinatura scolare i fegatini e lasciare da parte il vino.
In un tegamino dai bordi alti, soffriggere la cipolla nell’olio con sale e pepe a fuoco moderato, quando questa si sarà imbiondita unire i fegatini e la salvia, rosolare bene per circa 10 minuti.
Versare il vino di marinatura sui fegatini e ridurre.
Portare a cottura i fegatini aggiungendo acqua o brodo, ci vorranno circa 20 minuti.
A cottura ultimata, fuori dal fuoco, aggiungere i capperi ed i filetti d’acciughe e tritare con il frullatore ad immersione.
Assaggiare, aggiustare di sale e di pepe e unire la noce di burro, mescolare bene ed il gioco è fatto!

...ancora crostini, perché se ne possono fare di tantissimi tipi, basta spaziare un po' tra tradizione e fantasia per trovarne e crearne infiniti!

Crostini alla crudaiola

Tagliare i pomodori maturi in piccoli dadolini e condirli con sale, poco pepe, pasta d’aglio (da quando l’ho fatta la prima volta, la uso di continuo tanto che penso di essere diventata a prova di vampiro!!!) ed origano.
Lasciare insaporire per almeno qualche ora.
Tostare le fette di pane toscano, bagnarle con un po' del sughetto che nel frattempo si sarà formato, distribuirci sopra abbondanti pomodori e condire con olio al basilico (che conviene fare e tenerne sempre da parte perchè sta bene su tantissime cose!).

Buon appetito.

27 October 2009

GSM Coverage Maps

Detailed information about network operators worldwide that offer services from the GSM family of Wireless Communications.
GSM Coverage Maps

23 October 2009

Pure and Authentic BookStore

Pure and Authentic BookStore now online: HERE or HERE.

15 October 2009

Recipe of the week: "Pappa al pomodoro"

Pappa al pomodoro, a Tuscan bread-and-tomato porridge, sounds like kid's food, and it is - for kids of all ages. In the past it was also very much a homey dish, a tasty summer way to use up leftover bread that no housewife would have dreamed of serving to a guest. Now it's on the menus of Florence's trendier restaurants.

8 - 10


  • 8 whole garlic cloves
  • ripe tomatoes
  • 1 pound loaf of stale bread, sliced (or unseasoned stuffing mix)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 leek, thinly sliced, only white part
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 bunch basil
  • Salt
  • Chili pepper

The night before slice the bread and leave it out to get stale.

12 October 2009

Tuscany Accommodation

Accommodations in Tuscany are classified to the type of accommodation: villas, apartments, B&B, agriturismo, castles. The price are displayed in weeks and they do not always include breakfast, but should include service charges and taxes. In same areas, the local APT ( azienda si Promozione Turistica ) can supply information about Villas amd Hotels, but in others tourism is coordinated by an AAST ( azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo ).

It is also possible to obtain a list of accommodations from information offices in stations and airtport. If you arrive in a town without having reserved beforehand, go  directly to the APT or to the AAST for help. Leaflets will be available in English, and usually at least one person there will speak English. B&B or agriturismo breakfast consist mainly of a brioche or brad, butter and jam, and coffee or tea. Some Tuscany Villas may provide a full breakfast on request.

Venice Marathon - 25 October 2009

One word is enough to describe Venicemarathon course: spectacular.

However, if you are running the Venicemarathon not to gaze at the landscape, but to improve your personal best, don't worry: the race track is mainly flat and fast. Moreover, meteo conditions are usually perfect to perform at high level.

Start takes place in Stra, a small town a few kilometers east of Padova, in front of a magnificent mansion, Villa Pisani, built in the 18th century, which is the first and the largest of the beautiful mansions of the Brenta riverside.

You can take a short break in our precious pearl:

Chez Trionfi

Chianti Ecomarathon, Italy

The Salomon Ecomaratona del Chianti is a trail marathon in the splendid landscape of Tuscany. A 9 km walk and a 17 km race will take place as well for runners who would like to enjoy the local food and wine over the weekend.

The trail marathon (just 2kms on a road) starts from the square of Castelnuovo Beradenga and continues into the Chianti hills and vineyards until you reach Campi . Then back to Castelnuovo Beradenga on a different route.

Follow the link below and explore some charming holiday accommodation in Siena where you can stay during this event:
Vacation rental in Siena

09 October 2009

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05 October 2009

Recipe of the week: "Panforte di Siena"

Panforte dates back to at least the Middle Ages, some believe back even further, and originated in Siena (or at least Tuscany). It literally translates to “strong bread”, referring to its piquant flavor. Being so densely packed with dried fruit, nuts, spices, and honey I’m sure the Crusaders referred to it as their energy bar.
Many regard Siena as the Panforte capital of Italy. While there are various recipes for panforte most Senese believe it should contain seventeen ingredients to represent the seventeen contrade (subdivisions) of the walled city.

Serves: 12


  • Nonstick cooking spray, for pan
  • 3 cups whole blanched almonds
  • 1 3/4 cups whole hazelnuts, skinned or unskinned

01 October 2009

Farmhouse holiday rental "Il Collonzolo"

Il collonzolo in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina - Tuscany Holiday lettings: Il collonzolo in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina - Tuscany Holiday lettings in Italy

From the Etruscans to Sodoma: A Day in the Sienese Countryside

Murlo at dusk -- you can send the picture as a card if you'd likeThe Etruscans left few written records, and nobody knows what the complex at Poggio Civitate, a hill near the town of Murlo (southwest of Siena), was. However, the footprint our man left in the roof tile is dramatic proof of the suddenness with which destruction came: Life size terracotta statues of gods and sphinxes, roof tiles, frieze plaques with horse race and banquet scenes, pottery, jewelry, all was smashed and buried. 

And so it remained until Mr. Phillips, who hoped to find an Etruscan town, began excavating Poggio Civitate in 1966. The first day a wall was discovered, but instead of being part of a house, it proved to be part of a huge, fabulously... 

Follow the link below and explore some charming holiday accommodation in Tuscany where you can stay to visit plenty of Etruscan dwellings:

28 September 2009


Founded by the Etruscans, Siena was Roman colony to the time of August. It became Episcopalian center in 700 after the occupation longobarda, but in the XI secolo' was affirmed as secular commune. Sour struggles divided Siena from Florence, so much that this last, in 1260, Montaperti was defeated to. After being governed by varied dominions, the city fell under the imperial dominion and entered to belong to the state Mediceo, then of that Lorenese up to 1859, gives in which was attached to the Kingdom of ltalia.

31 October 2009 - Sixth Urban Trekking National Day in Siena

“Trekking and mysteries” - Walking on All Saints night

The Taste of Trekking: trick or treat walking in Siena
31 October 2009

Urban trekking is a sport for all. Following an itinerary on foot through hilly city streets does not require any special training. It is a perfect way of toning up the mind and body for everyone who is forced to live in cramped spaces and feels the need to liberate pent-up energies.
Ideal also for children, urban trekking is a new and entertaining way to get to know the history and artistic beauty of a city where it is still possible to walk around easily and breathe clean air.

What to eat and drink
Panforte, Ricciarelli, local cinta pork salami, pecorino cheese.

What to buy
Wooden balls and tin horses with the colors of the contradas, toy carts and bells.

3 - 7 October 2009 - Following the traces of St Francis of Assisi

Following the traces of St Francis of Assisi
Sat 3 - Wed 7 October

An easy but intense excursion in the high Tiberina Valley, following the traces of Saint Francis of Assisi.

You can take a long or a short break in a truly charming farmhouse in the vicinity:

Villa Siena - Web Page

Borgo "La Chiusa" - Web page

27 September 2009

Recipe of the week: "Nana in Castagna" (Goose breast with Chestnuts)

Thanks to our dear friends and personal chef for giving us the opportunity to share with you their fabulous recipes
Serves 6-8

  • 2 goose breasts
  • 500 gr roasted chestnuts (* see how to roast chestnuts)
  • 2 shallots
  • 2 sprigs of sage
  • Salt, pepper, olive oil and white wine to taste


Make sure you buy your goose breast already cleaned and deboned.
Clean the roast chestnuts.
Spread the breasts on a cooking surface and season them with salt and pepper and add half the chestnuts. Roll the breast up and tie it tightly with a thread.
Place the goose on a baking tray lined with olive oil and covered with tin foil. Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for 30 minutes.
Take out of the oven; add white wine and the remaining chestnuts. Place back into the oven and bake for another 20-25 minutes.
When cooked, slice up and serve with its own gravy.

* How to easily roast warm, yummy, chestnuts:
  1. Buy some chestnuts from your grocery store or local produce market, etc.
  2. Set Oven for 325-350 degrees. Select a pan or sheet pan. Foil line if desired, but there is no need to grease the pan.

21 September 2009

Pure & Authentic

Holiday lettings in Italy

Pure and Authentic represents a fine selection of private homes, villas and farmhouses. Pure and Authentic is dedicated to ensuring a unique holiday experience in stunning settings, off the beaten track.

Siena City Walk

This circular walk takes you past the major attractions of Siena and also through quieter neighbourhoods with less famous sights, though none the less interesting, and will give you a real feeling for the city and its history. The notes below will complement those under ‘Siena’ in this booklet or the information in any simple guidebook on the city. (Since it is difficult to reproduce a suitably detailed map of the city I recommend that you collect a map from the tourist office.) 
Check all the details on Pure & Authentic Holiday Leisure

You can take a long or a short break in a truly charming farmhouse in the vicinity:

Villa Siena

Borgo "La Chiusa"

Recipe of the week: "La Ribollita"

Ribollita is the most typical Tuscan dish - it is a vegetable soup whose name means 'boiled again'.
It is quite rare to find the authentic recipe anywhere, as traditionally, the Ribollita was nothing but the leftover of a 3 day old vegetable soup, boiled again with onion slices and old bread.
Its main ingredient, which makes it different from any vegetable soup, is black cabbage - cavolo nero.

The recipe that follows is our favourite version of Ribollita, as cooked by our friend and chef Luana.

La Ribollita

Serves 4

  • 200g borlotti beans
  • 300g Cabbage
  • 300g Cavolo nero
  • 2 Carrots
  • 2 sticks of Celery
  • 1 large Onion
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • 1 Leek
  • 2 Spring onions
  • 400g Bietole (swiss chard)
  • 1 bunch Parsley
  • 1 bunch Basil chopped
  • 2 spring Onions chopped
  • 300g stale Bread cubed
  • ½ litre Water
  • Salt & Pepper (to taste)
  • Pinch chilli powder
  • 4 tablespoons Oil

Cut vegetables and place in a pan with herbs, oil, salt, pepper and chilli.
Place on low heat, simmer vegetables in their own juice do not add water.
When all their natural liquid has evaporated add water a little at a time until vegetables are cooked.
Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan add cooked vegetables and cubed bread, bring to boil and simmer until combined. If the mixture is too dry add extra water and heat through.
For a firm, well combined consistency simmer until mixture doesn’t stick to the pan.
Remove from heat and add basil, parsley and spring onions.
Serve with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

17 September 2009

Siena Film Festival

Siena Film Festival
6-10 October
13th edition - International competition focused on social and universal issues.
This year the films preferred will deal with matters about the abused children, environmental protection, human rights and peace.
Twenty films in competition will be screened at Cinema Nuovo Pendola, where will take place the meetings with directors and actors. Also great music devoted to a songwriter and poet.

Accomodation available within 5 kms from the festival:

14 September 2009

Wine & Grapes festival

from 19/09/2009 to 27/09/2009
A traditional look at the wines of Porsenna. As well as wine tasting in all the canteens and Osterias, there are also cultural activities and games between the town's districts. The "tripartite" is a traditional competition of the grape festival; three football teams and three balls on the field.

You can take a long or a short break in a truly charming farmhouse in the vicinity:

Antico Mulino - Web page